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Spooktacular2020: The End is in Cite


Emma can't decide which citation is correct. 

You've done citations before. Do you know where to go to check your work? 

Why it's the MLA handout guide!

Access the MLA handout.



STEP 1: Use the MLA Handout example below to pick the correct citation for your paper.MLA citation guide clipping


STEP 2: Compare the two citations.  Do you spot the correct format?


Lantern, Jack. Finding the Great Pumpkin. Pumpkin Publishing, 2018. Gale eBooks.


Lantern, Jack. Finding the Great Pumpkin. Pumpkin Publishing, 2018. Gale eBooks.


STEP 3: Name the correct citation.

Which did you choose? Will you be like Emma Laye, roaming the Library until you achieve the perfect paper? Or will you be set free of the Library?

Click on your choice to decide your fate.

CITATION #1    or    CITATION #2



  1. What button can you hit to get a citation in EBSCOhost's eBook Collection?
  2. Which button on the main page of the Library website do you click to find citation help?