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ETH 030 Chicana/o Culture: Home

Welcome Students

Visual Thinking Strategies – Direct Encounter with the Arts Fall 2015
This guide will assist you on your research assignment. You may also visit the EVC Library home page to access the information resources included in this guide. 
To get started, click the tabs at the top of the page. And remember, if you need help, talk to a librarian. You can reach the Evergreen Valley College Library reference desk at
La Curandera by Carmen Lomas Garza

Library Orientation Assignment

  • You will write about a ritual or rite of passage associated with Mexican/Chicano culture. The research paper must be 6 pages typed, doubled-spaced, 12 font size. Your research paper must be written in APA format. You will only need to have approval from the instructor before you begin your research project if you choose a subject that is not included in the professor approved list.

Evergreen Valley College Library

Library Hours
Monday-Thursday       8:30am-7:00pm
Friday                          8:30am-2:30pm
Saturday-Sunday        Closed
Holiday Closures:
Friday, 2/14 to Monday, 2/17 - Presidents' Day Weekend 
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Phone   408-274-7900 x6661
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