Your assignment is to write a literature review on a cult or conspiracy theory. You are to conduct research and explain the logic and reasoning which causes people to become enticed in the cult or conspiracy. You are to also suggest solutions for cult members or conspiracy theorists to remove themselves from these illogical thought patterns.
You must have 5 sources > include at least 1 source that disagrees with your main point
You must have an MLA-formatted Words Cited page
The literature review takes an essay format divided into 4 sections:
1. Introductory paragraph (1 paragraph) > Explain the purpose of your research and whom or what your cult or conspiracy affects; discuss what you wish to explore in your research paper.
2. Summary (2-3 paragraphs) > Sum up what each article is about, organized by topic (its origins/founding; recruitment practices; dangerous manipulative techniques to keep members; people who have left/escaped) and summarize how each text addresses each topic.
3. Discussion and Evaluation (2-3 paragraphs) > Explore how you plan to use these articles in your research paper and define how effective each one is in helping you prove your point. Which article may be more effective than others? Are there any questions that still haven't been answered by the sources? What ideas still need to be explored?
4. Conclusion (1 paragraph) > Finetune your thesis statement. As a result of what you've researched, what do you feel is the most important point to take away from the work you've done? The work your sources have done? If applicable, what kind of lenses will you use to dissect the subject at hand?