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English 1A - Immigration: Define Periodicles

general English guide

Accessing Databases

Accessing Databases

Many of the Library's databases contain electronic copies of articles from newspapers, magazine and journals. You may access and conduct research in these databases from off-campus. To do so, you will need to select the database and log in with your college email address and your password.

Journals vs Magazines - What's the difference?


For more on the peer-review process, see this page from the Lloyd Sealy Library. 

You can also refer to the EVC Library handout  available at the library reference desk. (Also available as a downloadable PDF.) 

Peer review

peer review

Accessing the Databases

To access the databases, go to, click on Find Articles, and click on the database you would like to access. If you are off-campus, you will be taken to a page that will require you to login using your college email address and your password.

A-Z list of databases