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Counseling 14 General: Article Databases

Accessing Databases

 Accessing Databases

Using the library databases listed on this page, you will be able to find articles from popular and general news sources as well as scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. You may access and conduct research in these databases from on or off campus. To access our databases, go to the library homepage at and click on the link to ARTICLES and go to the databases A-Z page

Log in with your student I.D. and password

Click on any of the recommended databases to begin your research: 

Subject Guide to Databases

Cite using the icon in the right side navigation bar

the Physical Library

How to Access a Database

To access databases from the library's website:

Recommended Databases: 

Academic Search Complete Multidisciplinary database containing the full text for nearly 8,500 publications, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed publications. 

Science in Context Peer-reviewed general-science journal.

Academic Search Complete Database


Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database and thus can be used to find information on research paper topics for any of your classes at EVC. This database will be helpful for finding information on thousands of topics, including current and controvesial topics. This database includes:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Magazine articles
  • Academic journal articles
  • Images
  • Reports


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

The Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database providing nearly 560 full text publications. The database covers topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.

Provides access to nearly 540 full-text journals, including 

  •  Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology
  • Journal of Mental Health, 
  • Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,
  • European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,
  • European Journal of Neuroscience,
  • International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
  • International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 

This database also provides particularly strong coverage in child & adolescent psychology and various areas of counseling.