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Chemistry 1A - Research Guide: Home

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Welcome -- Chemistry 1A

Use this guide as an introduction to library resources that will support your studies in Chemistry.  

Using the tabs at the top of the Research Guide, navigate to locate the specific type of resources you need including reference sources, circulating books, journals and research databases, and web resources.

Use the APA Citation guide to download a copy of the APA Citation Guide (by EVC Library) and for links you can go to for additional sources on citation. 




General Chemistry picture

Chemistry 1A

CHEM 001A     General Chemistry     5 Units

This is the first course in general chemistry with lab, for science and pre-professional majors. It covers basic chemical principles: nomenclature, atomic structure, quantum theory, molecular structure and bonding, periodic properties, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, states of matter, gas laws, solutions, oxidation-reductions, and molecular equilibrium. The role that chemistry plays in everyday life, industry, and human welfare is emphasized. (C-ID CHEM 110)

Guide to the Tabs on this Research Guide

Tips on using this guide for your research paper and your library assignments:

1. Books

Use the Books tab for a step-by-step guide on how to locate reserves, circulating books, and a quick guide to selected reference sources. 

 2. Articles from databases

Use the resources on this tab to help you to identify electronic databases available through the college library. 

 3. Web Resources

Use this tab to help you to identify some of the best resources for students of chemistry. This page also has a guide to help you evaluate sources.

4. Citing Sources

Use this tab to find out what "Citation" means as well as for a quick guide to APA citing and documentation standards. 

5. Citation Overview


APA Citation 7th Edition

Creating a reference list and in-text citations in the APA style

Annotated Bibliography 

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents and follows the appropriate style format.

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