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Women's Studies (WOMS10): Books

Finding circulating books

Search the Catalog by Subject 

Go to the library catalog at and click on the link to BOOKS.. Go to Advanced Search and using the drop down menu select Subject.

If you are looking for a book ABOUT a woman (in researching a "phenomenal woman") you can search the library catalog using a subject search. Select a Subject search using either the drop-down menu or the right-hand side navigation link. 

Enter your subject's name in Last name, First name order. 

For example:   Mead, Margaret 

 Search for Margaret Mead in the library catalog

Search the Catalog by Keyword 

If you don't find what you are looking for using a subject search, then you can try using a key word search in the catalog. With key word searching, you do not need to be as particular in what order you enter your names or terms. 

Once you identify a book or other item of interest, you will need to get the details about that item by clicking on its hyperlinked
Be sure to write down the information about the item you want, including the title, it's location, and call number. If you need assistance in locating the item, see a librarian or another staff member. 

Remember, you can search the  Library Catalog at home 24/7!



Click on Articles and go to the A-Z list of databases

Click on E and open the Ebsco Ebook Collection

Search this collection as keyword or subject.

See an example here of a book about Zora Neale Hurston.

Or an Interview on video of Angela Davis

Angela Davis photo and quote

Book: Zora Neale Hurston And A History Of Southern Life

Author: Tiffany Ruby Patterson

A Selection of Sources

All About Books

Search the library catalog for books you can check out.

Checkout periods: 

You can check out books in the library General Collection for 3 weeks. If you need to keep the book for a longer period of time, renew your books in person at the desk, online, or over the phone by calling the Circulation Desk at 408-270-6433. Checkout times may be different during COVID restrictions.

ID Cards 

You will need to bring a Student ID card to check out all books and other library items. Your Student ID is also your copy card - so you will need it to make photocopies of library items. 

DVDs, eBooks, and Other Media 

  • Find a DVD you can watch by doing a keyword search in the catalog and adding the term "DVD." 
  • Some DVDs can be viewed in the library only. See library staff for details. 
  • eBooks are electronic versions of books - available to you 24/7. See items in the catalog with the eBook icon beside it. 
  • We currently have Films on Demand too